Thursday, March 22, 2007

Email from Paul Brencick (my father's cousin)

Hey Anastasia!

It's cousin Paul from Oahu, HI. We met at your cousin Tony P's wedding in Santa Monica 7-8 years ago.

I've received the exchanges you've been having with Susan Schmitz and find it really interesting to see a young person so interested in the Brencick family tree!

I'm so glad you can make the trip to our homeland to find relatives and hopefully piece together the family tree.

I'm originally from St. Louis, MO---the 2nd youngest of your great-uncle Vince Brencick's 6 boys. We landed in Hawaii in 2004 to raise our babies, Danica (named after our mutual relative in Croatia) and Paul Jr.--and to be closer to my wife's family living here. They are immigrants from Vietnam.

I've also visited your Aunt Janice and great-grandma Regina on the Big Island of Hawaii...

I wanted to be sure you knew about a Brencick family reunion we're having this year in May. Dates are May 24-June 3 in St. Louis, MO.

I know this isn't much notice and you sound like you've got bigger travel plans to Croatia coming up soon. I wish you could join us---as we try to get Brencicks together in St. Louis this Spring.

If not, we'll take plenty of photos and share them with you...

Take care and have a safe and fun trip to Croatia!!

Paul Brencick

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