KIM: We have spent two lovely days in Dubrovnik and have one day remaining. I think all of us feel that this city is a spectacular end to a fantastic journey. We have not only thoroughly enjoyed each adventure we have had, but also gotten a real kick out of being able to share our adventures in real-time with our friends and families. So many people have corresponded with us through this blog, and we plan to follow up by answering all of the questions you all have posed during our travels. Plus, Shelley has been drawing and painting like crazy and has quite a bit of work to do once we get home. We can't wait to see the results! I have lots of photos to process and hope to put together some type of show. I have purposefully not posted a whole series of photos that I want to share in another manner. Anastasia has a dream of using this blog as a basis for a multimedia presentation of a more complete description of our tour. Whatever ends up happening, this has certainly been the trip of a lifetime and I think I can safely speak for all of us when I say that we all agree that we must come back now that we are familiar with the land, the people, the languages and the work and research we have left to do! The photos here represent Dubrovnik in several of its moods.
Of course you must go back...and you must take me with you!!
Is that a fisherman perched on the rocks? Goodness, me. I'd be scared the fish would pull me in. Dawn
Although we have missed you very much, your blog has allowed us to vicariously experience your adventures through your words and photos. We can't wait to see and hear more.
Love, Jody & Bruce
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